Tuesday, February 14, 2012


Well...now we all know which underwear I'm wearing, what is there left to talk about?

What about the lovely visitor we had over January? Some of you will have already heard about Sheepy the Sheep (so imaginative) who decided to spend her summer holiday at our place.

Sheepy came to see us on multiple occasions & was so friendly that she would alert us to her presence by walking up to the window of the room we were in & vocalising quite loudly, any time of the morning or afternoon. But as you can see, she's so cute it's hard to get cross about being woken early by a sheep.

And upon one occasion Sheepy even brought a pal around to introduce us. Sheepy's pal was a little shy but quite happy to come & hang out at our place.

Having sheep visiting your home is a great way to meet the neighbours."Hi, have you by any chance lost a sheep?". We learned to trade technological skills (using the print button on a computer & retuning a television) for shepherding abilities. And hubby has learned quite a lot about rural living. That's in spite of us living in an urban area.

Over January Sheepy became quite a frequent visitor, and eventually we cut a hole in our back fence to make it simpler for us to help her home. I have to admit that I considered returning her with sprigs of rosemary & mint tied to her hooves, but it just seemed too unkind. We were concerned for her safety (and possibly more so, the safety of motorists & cyclists on our winding road), so we did chat to the owner about fixing her fence. Bo Peep seemed less than concerned, however magically Sheepy has stopped coming to see us. While we miss her we are happy she is safe (for now).

I've been tardy in keeping up my blog due to some difficulties from the hypermobile joint syndrome. Or alternatively from the spondylitis. Pain is pain & it doesn't tend to matter what's causing it. Rheumatology clinic next week - they haven't seen me coming!

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