Thursday, November 25, 2010

Peeling the layers of the onion

It started a while before the onions actually.

Nail polish & chemical cleaning products (Ah, windex my nemesis). Those were the first inklings.

But that was only the beginning. Paints were next...and then came the onions.

Don't get me wrong: I love onion. In theory. But raw in my own house, or cooked to mush by a downstairs neighbour, it doesn't matter, they have me heaving.

This was when we started "peeling back the layers of the onion". Not literally of course. That would be stupid.

It hasn't ended yet. I haven't made it right to the core of the onion, I haven't peeled away all of the layers of things that make me ill.

From the outside, because there are less and less things I can tolerate I know it looks like I'm getting sicker. But these things have been making me ill the whole time, I just hadn't noticed because I had to deal with the "outer layers" first.

Giving up things is not nearly as hard as holding on to them, knowing they make you ill.


Last week someone told me that my blog was very "informative" *shock*.

Understandably, I was completely appalled - horrified in fact :o)

The blog is for entertainment purposes only. Any resemblance to education or information is purely coincidental & unintentional on my part.

If you feel that you may accidentally have been informed or educated by anything on this blog then I suggest that you take a nice bath have a cup of tea & a lie down until this feeling passes.

And for anyone wondering why I write this, it's so that you can sit back & a) feel better about your own life, b) know you are not the only one in the world or c) laugh at me. Mostly I prefer c.

Friday, November 19, 2010

Hospital guidelines (2)

Today I received this letter:


Thank you for your email of 1 November 2010 to the Minister for Health, the Hon Daniel Andrews MP requesting follow up information on the distribution of the Multiple Chemical Sensitivities Guidelines for Hospitals in Victoria.

In accordance with the convention that the Government assumes a caretaker role during an election period the Minister has asked me to reply on his behalf.

I am pleased to advise that the South Australian health department has given permission for these guidelines to be used in Victoria.

Once these guidelines are adopted for use in Victoria they will be distributed widely to all public health service providers. It is anticipated that guideline distribution will take place in January 2011.

Yours sincerely
Lance Wallace
Executive Director
Hospital & Health Service Performance

For earlier correspondence refer to: Guidelines for hospitals.
See the current South Australian MCS Hospital Guidelines here 

August 2011 update: Success! Multiple chemical sensitivity: A guide for Victorian hospitals
I heard through ME/CFS Victoria that some other members were also approaching the Victorian government on this topic - it's brilliant to see the hard work that has been put in (it's no mean feat writing the shortest polite request to a member of parliament when you have ME/CFS, not to mention the research). I don't know who the other people are who were making the request as well, but I'm so thrilled that the government have acted on our requests.

Wednesday, November 17, 2010

Luke, I am your father...

Well it makes the noises...

I've had to get one of these to try & get myself through airports & on flights in the future (and anywhere else chemical dangers lurk). I know, it's a stunning piece isn't it. Just screams "accessorize!"

Of course the irony is that the gas mask is currently offgassing before I can actually wear it.

I did try it on for size yesterday. My cat was frightened of me. It took a while to convince him that no, nothing was trying to eat his mummy's face off. And yes, I had to say "Luke, I am your father". Not sure how that will go down at airport security though...

To be honest I really doubt anyone will even notice once I've got it on. They'll be like "Have you had your eyes done?" "Oh no, that's just my new gas mask. Fabulous isn't it?"

Tuesday, November 9, 2010

Pet Hates (I love animals)

Seriously, this is just an abbreviated rant about stuff I hate.

Car air fresheners. That sh*t gets all over your hair, your face, decolletage (or chest hair) and clothing. Throw out the fast food packets from the back seat. If your car is clean then what's the air freshener freshening? And if you car is dirty, clean it.

Fragranced loo paper. It's all going the same place. There's no more to be said about that.

Fragranced kitty litter. If your cat's litter box smells then it needs to be cleaned. If you need crystals that smell of forest flowers then your cat has serious digestive problems & you ought to consider taking him/her to a vet. Alternatively you're not changing the litter often enough.

Pesticides, herbicides. Name me one other word that ends in "cide" that you consider to be a good thing. Then invest $2 in a fly swat.

Fragranced panty liners. The person who invented these hates women. Who exactly is sniffing your crotch? And I really don't want to know why.

Tuesday, November 2, 2010

DIY pampering

Last time I went to a beauty salon (about 4 years ago) I ended up with an awful rash over my legs from the hot wax. The thing was I'd had the same reaction but worse the time before, and apparently so had the beauty therapist & several other of her clients. And yet there I was, back again.

Those of us with chemical sensitivity might not be able to get to the "beauty" salon but there's no reason we can't look hot as a meat pie that's been sitting in a pie warmer for 5 hours. We're still human, even if we're mostly the indoor, hermit type of human. And we all know beauty is on the inside (like guts & other important bits).

Meanwhile for when I get a bit vain, here are my favourites for do it yourself pampering:

Skin brushing/dry body brushing. I use a wood handled brush with cactus bristles from the Body Shop. Never thought I'd be caught doing that but it's really nice. And I reckon it definitely, definitely counts towards my daily exercise quota.

Bath with magnesium/epsom salts. Eases aches & pains. Not too hot as the heat can be energy sapping but just comfy & warm.

Mini pedicure. A pumice stone is brilliant for this, especially the rough areas such as heels. Trimmed & filed nails & I'm set. If I'm really lucky, someone else will do it for me :o)

Might not be able to manage a wax but I still have my tweezers for the eyebrows & in one of my bottom drawers is an epilator. Yes, they're exactly as scary as they sound, but you get used to them (sort of).

My absolute fave is the meditation, which I do loads off, mostly because I can't do loads of anything else, but also because it leaves me feeling sublime.

I do still have to skip the lipstick & I have to pop on a stunning little carbon filter face mask before I go out the door (usually to go about as far as a doctor's appointment). But beauty is a state of mind, and some days I am gorgeous as any magazine model! Or at least that meat pie in the pie warmer.