1 small organic chicken (whole for 2 or more, half for one person)
2 carrots
rice noodles
First up, I'm going to say that if you can tolerate onions & garlic you should put them in. In fact use chicken breasts instead, chop them up & marinate them overnight in a whole lot of crushed garlic (trust me).
I can't so for this one we're going without. Get your big stock pot. If you don't have a pot big enough for this chicken you are already in trouble. You might be able to get around it by chopping the chicken into bits but I'm not promising anything.
Chop the spinach & carrot (and any other veges you can tolerate & want in here, but definitely not onions if you're onion intolerant) & chuck them in the pot. Put your chicken in there & top up the pot with water.
Simmer for, I don't know, maybe an hour, maybe a bit longer longer. This isn't a cooking show you know. I've got mine on & it's 90 mins until dinner time.
When all is cooked take the chook out of the pot - unless you started with chicken breasts done in garlic, in which case leave it in. Oh you are in for such a treat.
The chicken stock with the veges in it can go in the freezer for a while because you now have several days worth of really good tasting chicken to eat. No cooking for the next week - yeah!
Remember to act surprised every time you offer your cat a bit of chicken & he turns his nose up at it. But don't offer your cat chicken if you used onion &/or garlic, it's toxic to cats.
When you want to use the stock & vege, heat it up & prepare the rice noodles (you can use another type of noodles, the instant variety are pretty popular. We're sticking with rice, because of the whole gluten issue). Chuck them in, cook for a bit & you're all good.
MmmmmmmmmmmMmmmm I want to do this one day! Maybe it's a myth but I saw on tv years ago that chicken and rice soup has mystical healing properties and nobody knows why. MMmmmmmmystical souuuuup.
MMmmmmmmystical souuuuup! That's it's new name now. I'll take all the mystical healing properties I can get lol!