I've never been one for stuff & clutter.
I like things in my home to have a practical purpose, otherwise they are just there to take up space, time & energy. They collect dust & create work.
No, I prefer the practical - everything has a use. It does something worthwhile. It contributes to my life in a meaningful way. It makes my life easier, more enjoyable.
Not for me the purely decorative, no, no, not at all. If I can't use it, I don't need it. Sentimental reasons are not enough to hang on to an object that is cluttering up a room.
As life goes on however, I am developing a greater tolerance for these kinds of items.
Now that I myself am a purely decorative object with no practical purpose that takes up space & creates work, I have some sort of empathy with similar objects in my home. Sure I might need taking off the shelf once in a while for a quick dust. But that isn't the sum of my value. I have less tangible attributes. Perhaps I don't make life easier in a practical way, but I make it more fun. Or better looking.
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