Tuesday, May 17, 2011

1st NZ report on implementing the UN Convention on the Rights of Persons with Disabilities

Over the end of 2010 submissions were called for New Zealand's report on implementing the UN Convention on the Rights of Persons with Disabilities.

In response submissions were made including requests for awareness raising, education for health professionals & the issues surrounding lack of access to health services for people with MCS in New Zealand.

The first report has just been released, and article eight, section 36 responds to the issue of lack of awareness surrounding the issue of awareness in disabilities such as multiple chemical sensitivity:
36. Awareness and understanding of different impairment types by government agencies, professionals and the public varies. Disabled people with uncommon impairments such as those arising from multiple chemical sensitivity syndrome report that there are few or no services available (to respond to severe reactions to chemicals) and health professionals lack knowledge about such conditions.

See link to full report

I am delighted to see that there has been acknowledgement of the lack of services available to people with MCS & in this first report a committment to raising awareness among health professionals.