Thursday, September 23, 2010

Covered in chemicals

One day people will look back at our time & wonder what on earth we were thinking using such toxic chemicals on our bodies & in our homes, much the same as we look back today & wonder what on earth brought people to using lead face powder.

The Romans knew about lead's effects. Didn't stop them using it. Nor did it deter the Europeans in the Middle Ages, Renaissance Italians or the Elizabethan English. Seems we're not all that quick on the uptake.

Here, today, in the name of cleanliness/vanity we scrub our skins with soaps containing known carcinogens, irritants & endocrine (hormone) disruptors. We put aluminium under our arms where the skin is at it's thinnest, and where it can be absorbed the most readily. Of course we stopped cooking with aluminium years ago - Alzheimers - or did you forget? :o)

We pour potions over our bodies, moisturisers, ointments, perfumes. Our scalp - not too far from our precious brain, is often daily scrubbed with these chemicals & then sprayed, gelled or fudged (Are you are going to eat that fudge? I wouldn't recommend it).

That's not enough of course, we also need to spray & perfume our house - not just for vanity of course, but we don't want any bugs about, so bring out the pesticides & spray them, lay them or sprinkle liberally. After all it's only for pests. Do you know what a flea feels like after a dose? I do. I'm guessing it's the same for the flies and all of the other creepies, crawlies, wrigglies & flappies.

I actually do know what this feels like. Balance goes out the window & confusion reigns supreme. Walk in a straight line? Forget it, not going to happen. Who am I where am I why do I feel so odd? Why do my hands shake? Why does my body feel so surreal?

I won't even begin on what the other chemicals are doing to me. We've cocooned ourselves in formaldehyde, we've created illnesses in children we design pills to treat. Try me on RED. I'll be the same as any ADHD kindergartener. Is this a pysch diagnosis? Maybe. That's what they taught at uni. No-one mentioned RED or YELLOW or BLUE.

We're eating it, drinking it, draped in it, consuming it, absorbing it, breathing it. Right now.

Thursday, September 9, 2010

The Waiting Room Story

One day, while still fairly new to wearing my carbon filter masks in public, I went to a doctor's appointment. As I sat with my husband in the waiting room a small child entered with their mother. Quietly while they sat the child asked her mum "mummy, why is that lady wearing a mask?". Her mother answered "it's because she is very sick".

Shortly after this event another small child entered with his father & as they sat in the waiting room the same question appeared on his lips. "Daddy, why is that lady wearing a mask?". "Because she doesn't want to spread germs" was "Daddy's" answer. Under my breath, so I thought and unpremeditated to my husband: "It's because I'm tooooo ugly".

Father of second small child cracked up laughing. I could have sworn I said it ever so softly.


Friday, September 3, 2010


Course it's me ya nongle.