Thursday, September 9, 2010

The Waiting Room Story

One day, while still fairly new to wearing my carbon filter masks in public, I went to a doctor's appointment. As I sat with my husband in the waiting room a small child entered with their mother. Quietly while they sat the child asked her mum "mummy, why is that lady wearing a mask?". Her mother answered "it's because she is very sick".

Shortly after this event another small child entered with his father & as they sat in the waiting room the same question appeared on his lips. "Daddy, why is that lady wearing a mask?". "Because she doesn't want to spread germs" was "Daddy's" answer. Under my breath, so I thought and unpremeditated to my husband: "It's because I'm tooooo ugly".

Father of second small child cracked up laughing. I could have sworn I said it ever so softly.



  1. People get it wrong so often. They think we want to protect them from ourselves. Bless them...............

  2. Yes or they think we are immunosuppressed so can't breathe in regular air. It's the chemicals!
