Tuesday, August 23, 2011

Ranty pants goes to the doctor

Today I went to the doctor. It was just to talk about the fluid I've had in my ears for 2 weeks. But he decided to take the opportunity to play "Twenty Questions".

"So, how's your pain?"
"It's worse than ever" I reply.
"What's changed lately?"
"Well, nothing really. I have hypermobile joint syndrome."
"Yes, I see that. But you would have known about that all your life, right?"
"Oh well. I wouldn't worry about it too much."

Really. I shouldn't worry about the severe & chronic pain I suffer every single day. About my pelvis & upper back subluxating at least once a day. Huh. Good to know. I wish I had known that when I was spending the last few days in tears scared I can't breed because my pelvis won't cope with pregnancy, that this condition is inherited & the drugs I am on are not conducive to baby-making.

"Well, I wouldn't if it didn't hurt so much", I say. "I'm really only here because my ears have been blocked for a fortnight."

"Yeah, well it says here benign hypermobile joint syndrome, see?"

You're an Arse. Don't you know the difference between hypermobile joints & benign hypermobile joint syndrome? One means you're a little bit more flexi than average. The other one stalks you like death. It changes the way you live your life. It's like the difference between CF & ME/CFS. It's the difference between a headache & migraine. A cold & pneumonia. Do they not teach you anything at school these days? You are an Arse & if I didn't need you & your prescription pad I would tell you that you are an Arse.

Maybe you can tell I don't really like doctors all that much. This one had a band-aid on his finger that looked like it had been there a week; fraying & dirty. He asked me about my meds but didn't know any of them when I told him. When I stood to leave he didn't move toward the door to see me out. I waited politely & then opened the door & let myself out.

1 comment:

  1. aw sorry, yet another bendy getting treated by the inept medical world. i think because this eds condition is rare, gps dont take the time too look up and check, they assume. im on the other side of the world at get pretty much the same treatment. although the pots dr, and eds dr are good. take care. xxx
