Tuesday, November 9, 2010

Pet Hates (I love animals)

Seriously, this is just an abbreviated rant about stuff I hate.

Car air fresheners. That sh*t gets all over your hair, your face, decolletage (or chest hair) and clothing. Throw out the fast food packets from the back seat. If your car is clean then what's the air freshener freshening? And if you car is dirty, clean it.

Fragranced loo paper. It's all going the same place. There's no more to be said about that.

Fragranced kitty litter. If your cat's litter box smells then it needs to be cleaned. If you need crystals that smell of forest flowers then your cat has serious digestive problems & you ought to consider taking him/her to a vet. Alternatively you're not changing the litter often enough.

Pesticides, herbicides. Name me one other word that ends in "cide" that you consider to be a good thing. Then invest $2 in a fly swat.

Fragranced panty liners. The person who invented these hates women. Who exactly is sniffing your crotch? And I really don't want to know why.


  1. Hi InkPink.
    As someone who has MCS I laughed alot at your posts. Thanks for putting some humour into this illness. Crotch sniffing LOL.

  2. You have to laugh sometimes...it all gets a bit ridiculous! My husband said I wasn't allowed to say "crotch sniffing" LOL. He thought it was rude :o).

    I did think of one word that ends in "cide" that isn't all bad - "decide". Meh.

  3. I agree - a lot - with your post :-D

    One of the best things I ever did was stop using store-bought disposable pads. It would take me a week every month just to recover from using the pads. Ouch alright. It really took me too long to stop using them... I guess with the Johnson & Johnson lady coming to talk to us at primary school, handing out free pads.... and then all the advertising.... you don't really stop to think if there's an alternative.

    My eyes were opened when I started reading feminist blogs a few years back :-D

    *HUGS* for you!
